%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ADVANCED SETTINGS FOR ICA DECOMPOSITION: % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % This settings file will be read by the ICAcleanerGUI. % - Settings here will be applied to ICA decompositions. % % Usage: % a) Settings under "DO NOT EDIT" are handled by [MEG]PLS. Do not alter these. % b) Change other values as needed. See "help" command for FieldTrip section. % c) Optional settings can be uncommented and specified. % function [cfgResampleICA, cfgICA] = Settings_ICA %--- "FT_RESAMPLEDATA" SETTINGS: ---% %-----------------------------------% % GENERAL SETTINGS: cfgResampleICA.resamplefs = 300; % Sampling rate of data for ICA decomposition. cfgResampleICA.trials = 'all'; cfgResampleICA.detrend = 'no'; % Disable if you demeaned / detrended during preprocessing. cfgResampleICA.demean = 'no'; % Enable only if you didn't demean during preprocessing. cfgResampleICA.feedback = 'text'; % OPTIONAL IF SPECIFYING TIME-AXIS INSTEAD: % cfgResampleICA.time % cfgResampleICA.method %--- "FT_COMPONENTANALYSIS" SETTINGS: ---% %----------------------------------------% % DO NOT EDIT: cfgICA.channel = 'MEG'; %cfgICA.unmixing %cfgICA.topolabel % GENERAL SETTINGS: cfgICA.method = 'runica'; % See "help ft_componentanalysis" for list of other options. cfgICA.numcomponent = 'all'; % Warning: binica only works on linux (use runica for windows). cfgICA.trials = 'all'; cfgICA.demean = 'no'; % Set to 'yes' if you didn't demean during preprocessing. % NOTE: Below are optional FieldTrip & EEGLAB settings for each method. % - For more information, see EEGLAB help functions for respective methods. % OPTIONAL SETTINGS FOR BINICA: % cfgICA.binica.extended % cfgICA.binica.pca % cfgICA.binica.sphering % cfgICA.binica.lrate % cfgICA.binica.blocksize % cfgICA.binica.maxsteps % cfgICA.binica.stop % cfgICA.binica.weightsin % cfgICA.binica.verbose % cfgICA.binica.filenum % cfgICA.binica.posact % cfgICA.binica.annealstep % cfgICA.binica.annealdeg % cfgICA.binica.bias % cfgICA.binica.momentum % OPTIONAL SETTINGS FOR RUNICA: % cfgICA.runica.extended % cfgICA.runica.pca % cfgICA.runica.sphering % cfgICA.runica.weights % cfgICA.runica.lrate % cfgICA.runica.block % cfgICA.runica.anneal % cfgICA.runica.annealdeg % cfgICA.runica.stop % cfgICA.runica.maxsteps % cfgICA.runica.bias % cfgICA.runica.momentum % cfgICA.runica.specgram % cfgICA.runica.posact % cfgICA.runica.verbose % cfgICA.runica.logfile % cfgICA.runica.interput % OPTIONAL SETTINGS FOR FASTICA: % cfgICA.fastica.approach % cfgICA.fastica.numOfIC % cfgICA.fastica.g % cfgICA.fastica.finetune % cfgICA.fastica.a1 % cfgICA.fastica.a2 % cfgICA.fastica.mu % cfgICA.fastica.stabilization % cfgICA.fastica.epsilon % cfgICA.fastica.maxNumIterations % cfgICA.fastica.maxFinetune % cfgICA.fastica.sampleSize % cfgICA.fastica.initGuess % cfgICA.fastica.verbose % cfgICA.fastica.displayMode % cfgICA.fastica.displayInterval % cfgICA.fastica.firstEig % cfgICA.fastica.lastEig % cfgICA.fastica.interactivePCA % cfgICA.fastica.pcaE % cfgICA.fastica.pcaD % cfgICA.fastica.whiteSig % cfgICA.fastica.whiteMat % cfgICA.fastica.dewhiteMat % cfgICA.fastica.only % OPTIONAL SETTINGS FOR ICASSO (See "help ICASSOEST"): % Runs FastICA a specified number of times and provides info about component stability. % cfgICA.icasso.mode % cfgICA.icasso.Niter % OPTIONAL SETTINGS FOR DDS (See "help dds_create_state"): % cfgICA.dss.denf.function % cfgICA.dss.denf.params % OPTIONAL SETTINGS FOR SOBI: % cfgICA.sobi.n_sources % cfgICA.sobi.p_correlations % OPTIONAL SETTINGS FOR CSP (COMMON-SPATIAL PATTERNS): % cfgICA.csp.classlabels = vector that assigns a trial to class 1 or 2. % cfgICA.csp.numfilters = the number of spatial filters to use (default: 6). % SEED FOR RANDOM NUMBERS: % cfgICA.randomseed = integer seed value of user's choice % cfgICA.randomseed = comp.cfg.callinfo.randomseed (from previous call)